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Saturday, 20 October 2012

Fans Thoughts About the Lockout

It appears right now with the NHL lockout both the NHL and NHLPA are more interested in trying to convince the fans whose fault this lockout is instead of actually, you know, working on a new CBA. There have been countless interview, tweets, videos and letters sent to fans with either side justifying their point and taking shots at their opponents. But the one thing we haven't seen or heard is the opinions of the fans. For this post I've joined forces with the wonderful people over at SportsRantz Magazine to bring you a fantastic hockey article about the fans.

I've searched high and low, long and hard and scavenged twitter for the best tweets from the fans expressing their feelings about the lockout. As I expected the majority of you are upset.

There you have it folks, probably one of the few articles that focuses directly on the fans and their opinions. Heck if the NHL isn't going to listen to us, we have to voice our thoughts some how. Thank you to everyone for your tweets and sharing your thoughts. Make sure you read the rest of the article over on Sports Rantz magazine for thoughts from Facebook hockey fans and the effect the lockout will have on junior hockey. Huge thanks to Kristina Chambers for asking me to be apart of this article and motivating me to do a post about the fans thoughts.


  1. Not surprised at all to see how upset fans are about the NHL Lockout! We've been looking forward to our hockey season for a long time, & the NHL is just not concerned about the fans at all. Thanks for compiling and sharing our thoughts on the Lockout issue!

  2. Caitlin Campbell20 October 2012 at 13:24

    It really does suck that we the fans are the ones who get shafted in this whole lockout situation. We love our hockey and now we're not getting NHL level hockey.
    Thanks for a great tweet!
